Daniel Vaugelade's first title with Commonwealth Books of Virginia was an English edition of "Comments on The American Travels Journals of La Rochefoucault-Liancourt 1794-1798,” which was published by Editions de l’Amandier in 2010.
M. Vaugelade was born in 1952 and has always lived in Freneuse, one of the ancient parishes of the Duchy of La Roche-Guyon, very close to the ancestral home of the La Rochefoucauld family. After studying history at Paris X Nanterre, he taught History throughout his career in the secondary school Camille Claudel in Mantes la Ville. His taste for historical research led him first to become interested in the history of the village and the region and naturally that of the duchy of La Roche-Guyon and its famous owners: the Duchess of Enville (1716-1797), her son, Louis Alexandre, Duke de La Rochefoucauld-d’Enville (1743-1792), and her nephew Alexandre François, later Duke de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827). These accomplished French intellectuals were all friends of Thomas Jefferson, who frequently called on them at Duke Louis Alexandre’s townhome on rue de Seine in Paris.
In addition to his tasks as historian of the Chateau de la La Roche-Guyon, M. Vaugelade is the director of the chateau’s educational records. and has participated in the rehabilitation of the castle’s gardens.. He is active in the preservation of the environment and heritage of the region in an association of which he is president.
Mail: vaugelade-daniel@club-internet.fr
Tel: 06 88 57 63 07
Publications :
-Louis Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld ((1743-1792) : un aristocrate au service de la science,
éditions de l'Amandier, 2014
-Le Voyage de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt en Amérique, éditions de l'Amandier, 2010
-Franklin des deux Mondes, éditions de l'Amandier, 2007
-La Question américaine au 18ème siècle, Publibook, 2005
-Le Salon physiocratique des La Rochefoucauld, Publibook, 2001
-Freneuse, naissance d'une commune (monographie), éditions Culture et Patrimoine, 1994
-La famille de La Rochefoucauld, in Benjamin Franklin, un Américain à Paris, musée Carnavalet, 2007, (catalogue de l'exposition du tricentenaire de Franklin)
-Louis Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld, au cœur du débat sur les origines de la terre, in Curiositas Humana Est, château de La Roche-Guyon, éditions Val d'Oise, 1978