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Publisher & Author James Thompson is quoted in Investor's Business Daily July 07 2014

James Thompson's quote has been published in Scott S. Smith's article, "Thomas Jefferson Delivered On His Vision for America."

James gives his thoughts on Thomas Jefferson..

"Surprisingly, Jefferson spent most of his early career as a loner," James Thompson, author of "Thomas Jefferson's Enlightenment," told IBD. "He harbored opinions that separated him from the hierarchy of his state and the independence movement. He wanted a separation of church and state, and to have wealth and power disseminated widely. To avoid conflicts, he kept mostly to himself at Monticello and wrote his notable public papers with virtually no input from others, like the Wizard of Oz — out of sight, trying to pull the levers of power."


 Click here for the full article > 

Great Turnout For Evelyn Swensson Book Signing June 17 2014

Evelyn Swensson, author of Notes: My Serendipitous Life With Music, held a book signing and speaking engagement in Cokesbury Village on Thursday, June 12. Mrs. Swensson entertained the crowd with stories from her exciting life and answered questions about becoming an author. Mrs. Swensson was introduced by her publisher and friend, James C. Thompson of Commonwealth Books of Virginia. (Pictured below with Mrs. Swensson.)



Helen Roberts Thomas Featured in Delaware News Journal June 05 2014

Helen Roberts Thomas, author of "In the Valley of the Yangtze: Stories From an American Childhood in China", was featured by Ken Mammarella in the Delaware News Journal.

Mammarella writes: "Helen Roberts Thomas hid much of her childhood from her friends, neighbors and even her family until, at 90, she decided to write her memoirs. And she teared up doing so".

"I cried a lot when I wrote it. There were times when I was so lonely, and it left me nervous," she says. But yet she advises: Everybody who is old should write a biography to achieve closure for a full life.

Read the full article here.